In the Year of the Dragon 2024, individuals born under the Dog zodiac find themselves in a conflicting clash alignment with Tai Sui (冲太岁), indicating a year of mediocre fortune. Caution is paramount, especially in financial matters, with a risk of monetary loss, particularly for those born in 1994. It's advisable to steer clear of high-risk investments or speculation and exercise prudence in decision-making.
While those born in 1970 should approach the year with a measured pace, individuals born in 1994 hold the most potential within the same zodiac sign.
The Dog sign should approach interpersonal relationships with care, recognizing a potential lack of finesse in this area. Unintentional upsets may occur, and interference from troublemakers could pose challenges. Adopting a low-profile approach and adhering to a "talk less and do more" strategy at work is recommended.
Dogs are susceptible to digestive issues, especially during the 3rd and 9th months, and are prone to injuries. Caution during commuting and avoidance of risky sports are advised. For the elderly, particular attention should be given to health, focusing on ailments related to the heart, stomach, or liver. Proactive health monitoring and care are crucial for maintaining overall well-being.