In the Year of the Dragon, individuals born under the Rabbit sign should exercise mindfulness concerning Tai Sui's influence. Embracing a "talk less, do more" approach is advisable to steer clear of unintentional conflicts. It's essential for Rabbits to be aware of mood swings, as they may be easily influenced by others' comments, potentially leading to decisions that don't align with their best interests.
Additionally, a Sickness star signals potential health issues, necessitating caution, particularly in the 2nd and 8th months, with extra attention for those born in 1951. Proactive health management, including prompt medical attention for elders, is strongly recommended.
On a positive note, individuals born in 1999 can anticipate better development, especially in health care, sales, and marketing. Those born in 1987 are well-positioned for optimal career growth. Navigating the year with heightened awareness and care empowers Rabbit individuals to effectively address challenges and seize opportunities in the Year of the Dragon.