For individual born under the sign of the Tiger, the Year of Dragon unfolds as a prosperous chapter, brimming with opportunities for wealth and career advancement. The benevolent auspicious stars align favorably, bestowing their blessings on both professional and financial pursuits. Those employed can anticipate stable incomes and potential promotions, with outstanding work performance garnering admiration from colleagues and superiors.
In the auspicious Year of the Dragon, the trajectory of the Tigers career are marked by smooth sailing, promising exceptional achievements. Notably, those engaged in the health care sector and education field are poised for the most substantial career growth. However, individuals born in 1962 may face unique challenges in this regard. Success smiles particularly on those working outside their homeland or in regional roles, with career progression significantly favored.
For those venturing into business, the stars align in favor of expanding horizons onto foreign soil, presenting lucrative opportunities for growth and success.
However, amidst the auspicious forecasts, caution is urged for those born under this sign, especially those born in 1986, as a predisposition to injuries looms. In light of this, refraining from visiting patients or mourners, avoiding hospitals, cemeteries, and steering clear of funerals is advisable to mitigate potential risks to personal well-being.